English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "slicing" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita. Ga wasu ma’anoni kaɗan masu yiwuwa: Don yayyanka wani abu ya zama sirara, guntu mai laushi: Misali, "Tana yanka tumatir don salatin." Don rage ko raba wani abu zuwa ƙananan sassa: Misali, "Kamfanin yana tunanin yanke ma'aikatansu biyu." harba kwallo da wani motsi na musamman wanda ke sa ta jujjuya ko lankwasa: Misali, "Dan wasan ƙwallon ƙafa ya yanka ƙwallon ya wuce mai tsaron gida ya shiga cikin raga." , don cirewa ko sarrafa wani yanki na bayanai ko bayanai: Misali, "Shirin yana amfani da slicing don cire takamaiman abubuwa daga saitin bayanai."

Sentence Examples

  1. The gowned man stepped forward, slicing a small wound into his forehead, blood trickled down his eyes and cheeks.
  2. I snatch a glance at the low sunlight slicing through the rickety door.
  3. Janis dodged to the right, the blade slicing him on his left side as he lunged forward with the dagger in his right hand, catching the Hussar in the chest.
  4. Arthur swung Excalibur above his head and smashed its legendary blade against the corner of the storm drain entrance, slicing off a chunk.
  5. Falling at her side, I begin slicing through the trap.
  6. The cold, harsh winds whipped mercilessly across the frozen plains, slicing their exposed skin.
  7. Startled, the boy reached down to retrieve them, and the knight swung the sword again, this time slicing open the hand holding the knife, causing Dwayne to curse and fling the blade to the ground.
  8. It screamed and lashed out at him with its arm, flaming tendrils stretching from within the cracks in its skin, slicing through the unfortunates close to it as they swung blindly toward Janis.
  9. He wore a full suit of knightly armor and carried a massive, gleaming sword that looked capable of slicing all three of them in half at the same time!
  10. Cass spun around as she had before, and swung the axe with all her might, slicing through the neck of the first.