English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "slashed" ita ce yanke ko buge da motsi mai tsauri, yawanci amfani da abu mai kaifi kamar wuka ko takobi. Hakanan yana iya nufin ragewa ko ragewa sosai, kamar a cikin mahallin farashi ko kasafin kuɗi. Ƙari ga haka, ana iya amfani da “slashed” a matsayin sifa don siffanta wani abu da aka yanke ko yaga ta cikin tashin hankali ko kuma cikin haɗari.

Sentence Examples

  1. The teenager slashed at his head this time, but Josh batted the dagger away with one paw, whilst swiping with the other.
  2. Unblinking, his eyes slashed through my already shattered self-esteem.
  3. Brooke slashed for his head this time, but he dodged back with liquid agility.
  4. Claws slashed madly, and the beast drove us farther and farther back, out into another, narrower corridor.
  5. The blade flashed in the candlelight as she slashed right then left, darting her weapon in between the dangling lines and baubles, tumbling and ducking and rolling without brushing against a single one of them.
  6. Knives slashed, stunners sent buzzes of magic through the air, and the wyvern fell.
  7. Eyes of blue flame blazed as hot as his weapon as he slashed at the Eternal.
  8. It slashed back, face stretched in a manic grin, and I kicked at its weapon hand.
  9. Grinning, it slashed at me with its knife, pit-like eyes glittering.
  10. Opening his mouth, he turned to let loose, but she slashed her hand through the air, stopping him.