English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "slap" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin. Ga wasu ma’anoni masu yiwuwa: (fi'ili) Don buga wani buɗaɗɗen hannu, yawanci akan fuska ko kai.(noun) The act of hitting someone buɗaɗɗen hannu (noun) Sharhi ko tsokaci ko tsokaci ko tsokaci da aka yi niyya don soki ko izgili ga wani ko wani abu. Waɗannan wasu ma’anoni ne da aka fi sani da kalmar “slap,” amma ana iya samun wasu fassarori dangane da mahallin.

Sentence Examples

  1. I strain to listen above the slap and rush of the ocean.
  2. Then the three boys exchanged the ever-popular hand slap, finger clasp, fist bump-type handshake, and all the drama was over as quickly as it had begun.
  3. Warmth enveloped Lance as he welcomed the crushing hug to come, but instead shook with astonishment to feel a hand slap his face.
  4. Charlie was unaware of the situation and raised his hand to slap Sheila but dropped his hand.
  5. She misjudged it and it came straight back down, providing an unwelcome slap in the face.
  6. His mother caught his wrist with her hand just inches in front of her face, forestalling the slap at the very last moment.
  7. I want to scream and slap him hard for fucking with my emotions like this.
  8. People had got away with that with a slap on the wrist.
  9. The other knights followed, leaving Jack to shrug at Mark, slap him on the back, and then follow.
  10. Shirley swings into an angle park, giving the brakes a final hard squeeze, causing me to launch forward and slap back against my seat.