English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙwarewa" shine samun ko nuna fasaha; kwararre, ƙware, ko ƙware a wani aiki ko fage. Ana amfani da shi sau da yawa don bayyana wani wanda yake da ƙwarewa ko ƙwarewa a fannin gwaninta, kuma wanda ke nuna babban matakin ƙwarewa, iyawa, da kuma ƙayyadaddun aiki a cikin yin aiki ko aiki. Ana sha'awar ƙwararrun mutum don ƙwarewa, gwaninta, da gwaninta a wani fanni.


  1. nice

Sentence Examples

  1. Placing their arms in the little vessel a dozen men clinging to its sides had trusted themselves to the direction of the canoe, which was controlled by two of the most skillful warriors, in attitudes that enabled them to command a view of the dangerous passage.
  2. Le Renard was too skillful to neglect his advantage.
  3. Had Hawkeye been aware of the low estimation in which the skillful Uncas held his representations, he would probably have prolonged the entertainment a little in pique.
  4. de Bragelonne fixed his eyes steadily upon the skillful surgeon, and seemed to interrogate his every movement.
  5. Fouquet was skillful enough, or fortunate enough, to make Louis XIV.
  6. Our previous escapes from Vamot of Mons and Iaegor of Lincoln was due more to skillful subterfuge than to magic.
  7. The artist himself was at that time busy upon two great designs the first to sow land with chaff, wherein he affirmed the true seminal virtue to be contained, as he demonstrated by several experiments which I was not skillful enough to comprehend.
  8. My mistress had a daughter of nine years old, a child of forward parts for her age, very dexterous at her needle, and skillful in dressing her baby.
  9. That pale face, so calm and worn those hands, once so skillful, lying nerveless by his side those limbs stiffened by the icy grasp of death nothing there betokened a sleep that was disturbed by dreams.
  10. When he found his friend met with a favorable reception, he bestowed on him the command of twenty men, like himself, active, skillful and resolute.