English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "sizzling" ita ce yin sautin bacin rai, ko zama mai zafi sosai, yawanci tare da sautin bacin rai, ko zama mai ban sha'awa ko rayayye. A matsayin sifa, “sizzling” na iya siffanta wani abu mai zafi da zafi ko zafi mai zafi, ko kuma yana iya siffanta wani abu mai ban sha’awa ko kuma armashi, wanda galibi ake amfani da shi wajen bayyana wasan kwaikwayo ko alakar soyayya. Hakanan yana iya kwatanta wani abu da ke soya ko gasa a cikin kasko, yana fitar da sautin huci.

Sentence Examples

  1. She poked at the meat sizzling in the skillet, declared it done, and pulled both frying pans out of the fire.
  2. We strolled on up the block past the post office and the creperie, where the smell of sizzling butter almost drew me in.
  3. The sizzling heat and high humidity had extended into this late August day.
  4. A moment later, warm rain began to fall, sizzling against the charred car and smothering the fires.
  5. The giant fell to the sizzling motorway tarmac, clenching his chest.
  6. Crimson willow greeted her with the scent of grouse sizzling over the fire instead of the bitter taste.
  7. I was burning hot, my screams boiling up my throat and my blood sizzling in my veins.
  8. Sizzling orange gave way to blazing gold to searing blue to blistering white.
  9. He could hear a slight sizzling sound and knew that the creature had dripped some of its acidic saliva onto his helmet.
  10. She laughed a delighted laugh, but her eyes widened as the magic struck, burning a sizzling hole in the tarmac, then rebounded.