English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "zaune" shine aikin zama ko wuri na wani lokaci, yawanci a cikin annashuwa ko rashin aiki. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa wani matsayi ko matsayi na jiki, kamar lokacin da mutum yake zaune akan kujera ko a ƙasa. Ƙari ga haka, ana iya amfani da kalmar a matsayin sifa don siffanta wani abu da aka ƙera don ko ya dace da zama, kamar ɗakin zama ko kushin zama.

Sentence Examples

  1. Sitting here listening to this fine gentleman drone on about the establishment of Eureka Springs is failing to lodge anything within my brain.
  2. Do you know she had Nana D sitting next to Councilman Stanton at a table in the back row?
  3. Even now, sitting here listening to the buzzing of bees and the trickling of water, the tension drifts away and peace prevails.
  4. I managed to push myself to a sitting position on the bed.
  5. I returned to my bedroom and dove into the show bible sitting on the night table.
  6. I made a right at the history section and found Maggie sitting behind her desk in the corner office.
  7. Out of shape in that regard, two beers and a glass of port has me feeling rather good, although those wheat and hops are sitting on a load of good eating and I feel like the Mississippi River in April after a Midwest flood.
  8. In theory, it made sense that he went into security work, yet I had trouble imagining him sitting on the opposite side of college administration.
  9. Her kidnapper set her down gently, propping her up so she was sitting against the wall.
  10. As he arrived, he saw a pile of rocks sitting atop a hill.

TV Series Examples



He was sitting in the lron Throne



l've been sitting here for days!