English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "jin kunya" ita ce jin tsoro ko rashin jin daɗi a gaban wasu mutane ko a cikin yanayin zamantakewa. Hakanan yana iya nufin zama mai shakka ko rashin son yin wani abu, ko a keɓe ko taka tsantsan cikin ɗabi'a. A matsayin sifa, “jin kunya” na iya siffanta mutum mai jin kunya ko cikin sauƙi, ko kuma yana iya nufin wani abu da ba shi da gaba gaɗi ko amincewa.

Sentence Examples

  1. The horse was snorting and trying to shy away from the camp, but Hawke kept his grip firm on the reins.
  2. I checked my phone only to learn it was a few minutes shy of noon.
  3. He smiled that shy little smile of his, said his name was Mark.
  4. Suddenly, I felt very shy as I lowered myself to the blanket.
  5. Yes, his first friend stood grinning with the others, big blue eyes brimming with excitement, offering him that shy little smile and a big thumbs-up sign.
  6. Some of the guys were kinda scruffy and some were too shy to even look at her.
  7. It skidded across the ground then rolled over a couple of times, stopping just shy of the sewer.
  8. I tried to drive him before me and bring him to you, but he is already so wild and shy that when I went near him he made off into the thickest part of the forest.
  9. James and the shy kid were playing with the kitten on the bed.
  10. I was too shy to ask, and not sure I was ready to hear the answer.