English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "harbin" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi. Ga wasu ma’anoni kaɗan masu yiwuwa:Mutum ko abin da ke harbi, kamar bindiga, baka, ko kyamara.Mutumin da ya harba bindiga, ko dai don wasanni ko kuma a matsayin sana’a, kamar maƙiyi ko maharbi. A wasanni, ɗan wasan da ke harbin ƙwallon ƙafa, puck, ko wani abu, musamman a wasanni kamar ƙwallon kwando, hockey, ko ƙwallon ƙafa. li>Ƙaramin abin sha, wanda yawanci ya ƙunshi ruhohi mai laushi kamar whiskey ko tequila, wanda ake so a sha da sauri a cikin harbi ɗaya. da makami kuma dole ne su harba hanyarsu ta hanyar kalubale da cikas iri-iri.

Sentence Examples

  1. Lance scanned the area in front them, trying to see if the shooter was aiming for them or if the shots were meant for the infected.
  2. The higher he climbed, the less his hope of catching the shooter.
  3. The one that was pointed out to him, risking, if the shooter aimed for the oppo-site one, to be made an utter fool?
  4. A shooter in a red quilted shirt had fired a hunting rifle.
  5. His torso was halfway through the doorway when the shooter started again.
  6. The shooter wore my chainsaw earmuffs while the spectators poked their fingers in their ears.
  7. There was certainly no shooter, meaning the bullet had come from higher still.
  8. He heard the second shout clearly and dropped even lower, eyes skimming the area to try and see where a shooter might be.
  9. A black arm gripping a handgun, and part of a head, appeared at the open backseat window, and the shooter began firing.
  10. It was second nature to him now, creaking open the door, waving a hand to draw a warning gunshot from an overambitious shooter before heading inside with the barrel raised and his back to each wall.