English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "girgiza" ita ce lokacin da ya wuce na kalmar fi'ili "shake," wanda ke nufin matsawa baya da gaba ko sama da ƙasa tare da sauri, gajerun motsi. Hakanan ana iya amfani da "Shook" azaman sifa don kwatanta jin tsoro ko mamaki, kamar yadda yake cikin "Na yi matukar girgiza lokacin da na ji labarin." Ƙari ga haka, ana iya amfani da “ girgiza” azaman kalmar ɓatanci don kwatanta jin tsoro ko tsoratarwa, kamar a cikin “Na girgiza lokacin da na ga wannan fim ɗin mai ban tsoro.”

Sentence Examples

  1. This time, the blast shook one of my hands free, and the split-second advantage was enough for me to touch the communicator.
  2. I shook my head, which felt like it had tried to detach itself from my neck.
  3. The floor shook, and I took a couple of steps back.
  4. I shook my hands to stop the buzzing as the adamantine walls of the building objected to the level one hit and then climbed onto the windowsill and pulled myself inside.
  5. I shook my head, slightly dazed and breathing heavily from the fight.
  6. Ackerton shook her head and made a tsk-tsk sound with her tongue.
  7. As I entered, Eustacia Paddington grabbed my arm and shook her head wildly.
  8. I shook the troubling thoughts from my head, confident my former best friend was not a double killer.
  9. I shook my head, determined not to dwell on the fight.
  10. I shook his hand and leaned against the doorframe.