English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "shark" babban kifaye ne mai fa'ida tare da hankici, tsage-tsage biyar zuwa bakwai a gefen kai, da gangaren jiki, yawanci ana samunsa a cikin tekuna da teku. Sharks an san su da kaifi da hakora masu ƙarfi, waɗanda suke amfani da su don farauta da kuma ciyar da ganima iri-iri. Hakanan ana iya amfani da kalmar “shark” a misalta don kwatanta mutumin da ba shi da tausayi ko mai yawan farauta a kasuwanci ko wasu ayyuka.

Sentence Examples

  1. It was locked behind the shimmering wall of light, like a starved shark separated from a child by a pane of glass at the aquarium.
  2. But here the bastard was slipping in and out of the crowd like a shark in a tank full of bottom-feeders.
  3. Soon he was running up and down the beach and swimming like a shark in the ocean tides and playing in the rain.
  4. There were secret currents, shipwrecks, caves, shark sites, battle sites, and smuggling routes between the islands.
  5. Covered in scales and barnacles, with flapping gills and fins, the creature appeared almost like a humanoid shark.
  6. I saw a hatchet made of shark teeth and a shark-tooth necklace on the bedside table.
  7. It was adrenaline, and natural to him, as if he were a shark prowling through the ocean.
  8. His father, a shark of a businessman but a man of integrity, would not have approved.
  9. The squid gravitated to him, baited in, as blood to a shark.
  10. He smiled like a shark circling prey as he looked me over slowly.

TV Series Examples



lt was like seeing a shark