English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "siffa" ita ce ba da wata siffa ko siffa ga wani abu, ko gyara ko tsara wani abu zuwa wani siffa ko siffa. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga tsarin haɓakawa ko kawo wani abu a hankali a cikin wani yanayi ko yanayi, kamar tsara ɗabi'ar yaro ta hanyar horo da jagora. Bugu da ƙari, yana iya komawa ga aikin yanke, datsa, ko sassauta wani abu, kamar siffata itace da tsinke. A wata ma’ana mai ma’ana, “siffata” kuma na iya nufin yin tasiri ko jagoranci hanyar wani abu, kamar tsara ra’ayin jama’a ta hanyar kafafen yada labarai ko farfaganda.


  1. formation

Sentence Examples

  1. All of them would be able to shape all four elements by the time they finished the first stage at the academy, but for now, shaping more than one element was impressive.
  2. Unlike your father, I will never command a railroad consortium responsible for shaping the economic future of our land, and I have neither the taste for political glory nor the aptitude for science.
  3. After washing my hands, I locked all the doors and windows and retreated to my room where I practiced shaping and moving my Light within my palms.
  4. With his legs jellied, Rune slid down from Astrid, and briskly walked along the land that hugged the banks of the Raumelfr, forming a blunt point before trailing up the other side of the east river and shaping the land into a peninsula.
  5. Throughout the North, mountains rose from the water from nearly every bank and tree, shaping and forming the realm of his forbearers, making a settlement difficult at best with limited farming land.
  6. The guard let out a gasp that could have fluttered the curtains as much as air shaping.
  7. Fortune, when she Bound thee apprentice to the esquire trade, Her care and tenderness of thee displayed, Shaping thy course from misadventure free.
  8. And his shaping is unlike anything Talise has ever seen.
  9. Perhaps the guard only needed to see that she was capable of shaping.
  10. Even when the shaping returned, Marmie took smaller portions so Talise could have more.