English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "shading" ita ce amfani da nau'ikan duhu daban-daban da haske a cikin zane, zane, ko hoto don haifar da zurfin zurfi da girma uku. Shading kuma na iya nufin kariya ko nunawa daga hasken rana kai tsaye, da kuma sauyawa a hankali daga launi ɗaya zuwa wani a cikin gradient. Bugu da ƙari, a cikin mahallin aikin da aka rubuta, shading na iya nufin yin amfani da bambance-bambancen da hankali a cikin sauti ko girmamawa don isar da wata ma'ana ko ma'ana.


  1. blending

Sentence Examples

  1. A bullet hit the tree shading Sabienn and shards of splinters and bark showered over him and Bray.
  2. Like Earth humans, their hair colors, textures, and eye colors varied, but they all had an un-humanly green shading in their skin and features.
  3. Spooky Girl Illustration Cute Whimsical Quote This fun art poster is designed using my grayscale portrait of a spooky little girl holding her tattered rag doll with touches of pink, blue, and lime green shading her face.
  4. She was obviously better at it, sketching ponies, shading in hearts, even attempting a cartoonish drawing of his face.
  5. His thick, short hair was blacker than a moonless night, and his full, arched eyebrows hung above deep-set green eyes, shading them as if they were treasured emeralds.
  6. Gazing down at the tiny town of Aragon through his rifle scope, his hand shading the end to prevent a reflective glare, Skull idly chewed dried meat and sipped water.
  7. They flashed in her eyes, and she held her hands up, shading the brightness.
  8. He hauled his burly frame out of the police van, shading his eyes from a gust that blew cold drizzle into his face.
  9. Finally, Inez was able to see without shading her eyes.
  10. Shading my face with a hand, I gazed through watering eyes at my dreamworld.