English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "shaded" shine kasancewa a ciki ko ƙirƙirar wani yanki na inuwa, ko kariya daga haske kai tsaye ko zafi ta hanyar toshewa ko toshe shi. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga amfani da launuka ko sautuna don haifar da inuwa ko duhu, ko kuma bayyana wani abu mara kyau, kaikaice, ko ɓarna.

Sentence Examples

  1. There Passepartout beheld beautiful fir and cedar groves, sacred gates of a singular architecture, bridges half hid in the midst of bamboos and reeds, temples shaded by immense cedar-trees, holy retreats where were sheltered Buddhist priests and sectaries of Confucius, and interminable streets, where a perfect harvest of rose-tinted and red-cheeked children, who looked as if they had been cut out of Japanese screens, and who were playing in the midst of short-legged poodles and yellowish cats, might have been gathered.
  2. I led Thor up the shaded drive of the first building at the end of the beach.
  3. Even the few techniques I had her only slightly shaded the blinding radiance shining from her.
  4. Hearing the crunch of footsteps I sat up and shaded my eyes.
  5. Half-mature trees lined the wide road and shaded the boxy, red-brick businesses and stately two-story houses from the sun.
  6. Between the fingers of her left hand she held a short lighted candle, while with her right she shaded it to keep the light from her eyes, which were covered by spectacles of great size, and she advanced with noiseless steps, treading very softly.
  7. The shaded lights gave a pink tint to the room as if the boat was blushing in the face of unexpected company.
  8. Flour sack curtains shaded the windows, but had been pinned back to admit as much of the welcome sunshine as possible.
  9. Costa Teguise Standing in the shade of the eucalypt at the café end of the plaza, I observe a few customers as they make up their minds to take an outdoor table in the warm spring sunshine, or opt for the seating shaded by the laurel trees.
  10. Not for the first time, I noticed the lashes that shaded them, straight and silky and inky black as his hair.