English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "natsuwa" shine yanayin kwanciyar hankali, kwanciyar hankali, da rashin damuwa. Yana nufin yanayin natsuwa ko zaman lafiya na ciki wanda yanayi ko hargitsi na waje bai shafe su ba. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa shiru da ƙayyadaddun hali ko ma'anar jituwa da daidaito. Ana danganta kalmar sau da yawa tare da tunani, tunani, da ayyuka na ruhaniya da nufin haɓaka yanayin nutsuwa da jin daɗin ciki.


  1. repose
  2. peace
  3. peace of mind
  4. peacefulness
  5. ataraxis
  6. heartsease

Sentence Examples

  1. They pitched a tent and drifted into a peaceful sleep, aided by the tranquil beauty and serenity of the desert.
  2. This done, he picked up his armour and returned to his beat with the same serenity as before.
  3. Above me was the clear night sky, and around me was a quiet serenity.
  4. Later, he would think back on the serenity he had enjoyed in blissful ignorance of events elsewhere.
  5. I was caressed by golden highlights that transformed the world into pure serenity and joy.
  6. At this moment of serenity, the co-existence of good and evil in this world had never been clearer to him.
  7. The roar of the angry mob shatters the serenity of a Roman night.
  8. She sang for more than an hour as Kallan, lulled into serenity, tucked her knees to her chest beneath the heavy overcoat.
  9. She longed for the serenity they might gradually introduce and on Mr.
  10. Some say we gain serenity by simply brushing thoughts aside.