English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na “kabari” shine aikin binne gawa ko wurin da ake binne gawa; shiga tsakani. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa kabari ko kabari.


  1. sepulcher
  2. sepulchre
  3. burial chamber

Sentence Examples

  1. The whole party moved swiftly through the narrow path, toward the north, leaving the healing waters to mingle unheeded with the adjacent brooks and the bodies of the dead to fester on the neighboring mount, without the rites of sepulture a fate but too common to the warriors of the woods to excite either commiseration or comment.
  2. There was such an affluence of military and other people that up to the place of the sepulture, which was a little chapel on the plain, the road from the city was filled with horsemen and pedestrians in mourning.