English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "zushewa" shine kasancewa cikin yanayi mai girma ko tashin hankali, sau da yawa yana tare da fushi ko motsin rai. Yana kuma iya nufin wani ruwa da ke tafasa ko bubbuga sosai. Ana iya amfani da kalmar don bayyana yanayin tunanin mutum, da kuma yanayin zahiri na wani abu. Wasu ma'anar ma'anar "zama" sun haɗa da tafasa, fushi, hayaki, simmering, da hayaki.

Sentence Examples

  1. Tiny gnomes waddled down the packed streets, whilst elves glided through the seething multitudes, their hair every colour under the sun.
  2. The demons flowed against them in a seething stream, their current too strong, their lust to kill and feed too great.
  3. He held her pinned to the stone, seething with a sudden rage that flooded back as she dug at his hand.
  4. Still seething, the young hoodlum promptly ceased his forward motion and eyed the weapons with caution.
  5. With a sigh, Aaric rechecked his composure and surrendered the last of his attention to the seething captain.
  6. Police and paramedic lights flashed haphazardly amidst the seething throng of children and local citizens who packed the surrounding streets.
  7. A seething roil of images and emotions swirled round and round inside his head.
  8. It seemed like the man arrested had been grassed on by a snitch, probably in return for kinder treatment at the hands of a seething police force.
  9. It was a vicious ocean of rolling, seething blood, a terrible black sun brooding among its midst.
  10. The giant pulled on the chains again, still seething with rage.