English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “zama” ita ce tanadin kujeru, benci, ko wasu kayan daki don mutane su zauna, ko tsara kujeru a wani wuri ko wuri. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin daidaitawa ko shigar da kujeru, ko karfin wurin da zai iya ɗaukar wasu adadin mutane.

Sentence Examples

  1. La Cacharra is alive with patrons remarkable for a Thursday morning, and almost all the outdoor seating is taken.
  2. Before an elegant stone fireplace was a cozy seating area that begged for lazy afternoons reading and drinking tea.
  3. On the first floor were four large classrooms, each capable of seating at least thirty students, two single bathrooms, and a small supply closet.
  4. The hundreds of elegant travertine arches, richly engraved columns, and rows upon rows of tiered seating were a feast of geometric beauty.
  5. He returned, this time seating himself on the grass next to her.
  6. Costa Teguise Standing in the shade of the eucalypt at the café end of the plaza, I observe a few customers as they make up their minds to take an outdoor table in the warm spring sunshine, or opt for the seating shaded by the laurel trees.
  7. Seating himself on the edge, he examined one shin, which still stung with the force of her kicks.
  8. The restaurant appears quiet, the outdoor seating area empty.
  9. Catherine had the seat and sat over him the reverse seating arrangements might have intimidated the girl further.
  10. Richard paused for a moment before seating himself on the opposite side of the desk, watching as Wyatt stalked back across the room towards him.