English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "marasa kyau" ita ce: ba tare da wani kutuwa ko tsangwama ba; santsi da ci gaba, ba tare da wani gibi ko katsewa ba. Ana iya amfani da shi don siffanta wani abu da aka haɗa daidai ko a haɗa shi tare, ba tare da ganuwa ko haɗin gwiwa ba. A ma’ana ta alama, ana kuma iya amfani da ita wajen siffanta wani tsari ko gogewa mai sauƙi, mara tsangwama, kuma yana gudana cikin sauƙi ba tare da wani cikas ko tsangwama ba.

Sentence Examples

  1. Harmonia guided him further, until they came to a pool some four feet across, almost perfectly round, and bounded by a seamless stone lip.
  2. Watching his seamless bravado falter forced a laugh from her mouth.
  3. The columns were unfluted, the stonework simple, almost seamless.
  4. Ringing the three walls other than the entrance was a seamless array of thirty-six-inch-wide, floor to ceiling cabinets housing an odd, gelatinous substance, filling the encasements and viewable through all-glass fronts.
  5. They danced around the rough black metal, changing the metal into seamless, obsidian bands of obedience.
  6. The scales were seamless and seemed to shimmer a bluish-gold color.
  7. In one seamless motion, Ypsilon pulled Bangarang out of its holster and pointed it at the two men as they struggled to help themselves up, hands high in the air.
  8. Janis got to the glass tube and tried to find a way inside, but it was seamless.
  9. They were flourished with a cobblestone design, although too glossy and seamless to be authentic.
  10. Sant cared little for piercings, but on Chloe the jewel appeared seamless, rounding out the vitality of her face without flaw.