English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "hatimi" ita ce rufe ko kiyaye wani abu da wani abu ko na'ura don hana iska, ruwa, ko wasu abubuwa shiga ko fita. Hakanan yana iya nufin sanya wani abu bisa doka ko ɗabi'a ta tambari ko sa hannu na hukuma, ko a ɓoye wani abu a ɓoye ko ɓoye. Misali, ambulan da aka hatimi, kwandon da aka hatimi, yarjejeniya da aka hatimce, ko rikodin hatimi.


  1. plastered

Sentence Examples

  1. Three documents of rectangular folded parchment fell from within, all sealed.
  2. At the Southwark end of the bridge a large defensive tower rose, and below it were the double gates that could be sealed shut as part of the city defenses.
  3. His amber eyes sealed shut, and his face twisted in pain.
  4. Their birth to a senator should not have sealed their fates.
  5. The drop of blood sank back into her palm and the flesh sealed itself, leaving no trace of the scratch at all.
  6. Richard quickly stowed the sealed letter inside his doublet, pressing himself up from the desk as the knock came again, this time slightly louder and even more rapidly made.
  7. He was seated at the desk, writing, a pile of sealed letters sitting neatly in front of him.
  8. I had to get out of there before the police sealed the bank off.
  9. Thankfully my trip to the courthouse last week sealed the deal.
  10. When they found a heavily sealed letter on his person they had dragged him back to Assingham.