English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "scurry" ita ce tafiya da sauri tare da gajerun matakai masu sauri, yawanci saboda mutum yana gaggawa ko don ƙoƙarin gujewa gani ko kama shi. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga motsin ƙananan dabbobi, irin su mice ko kwari, yayin da suke tururuwa ko su yi sauri tare.


  1. hurrying

Sentence Examples

  1. My wolf vision took over, noting that all the animals were scurrying away from us.
  2. Then, like a groundhog scurrying from dark clouds, he disappeared back through the door.
  3. Hawke grew positively twitchy as we set back onto it, constantly throwing glances along the side and jumping at the slightest noise, only to grow sour when he realized it was just a bird or some rodent scurrying about.
  4. For an instant the light stilled, and Chadwick, disbelieving, saw the horror, saw the madness, and before his heart began to beat again, the thing was gone, scurrying into the black depths from which it had come.
  5. A staccato crackle , like scurrying rats in the walls.
  6. Old trees, raw earth, the scurrying of game through the brush.
  7. Instead she said hello to a woman scurrying past in a torn overcoat then stared ahead with a fixed intensity I found startling.
  8. If not for the sound of scurrying rodents and the smell of trash, she might have been at a society luncheon.
  9. Stepping out into the street, she made her way toward a building several others were scurrying into.
  10. The bank employee was scurrying around behind the metal bars like she was behind schedule.