English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "makaranta" ya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma wasu daga cikin ma'anar da aka fi sani shine: Cibiyar koyar da yara, yawanci daga shekaru biyar. zuwa goma sha takwas, ko kuma a wasu lokutan ya wuce. Tsarin koyarwa ko tarbiyya, musamman ta hanyar da ta dace. Wuri ko cibiyar da ake koyar da ko koya wani fasaha ko nau'in ilimi, kamar makarantar dafa abinci ko makarantar harshe. rukuni na mutanen da ke da ra’ayi iri ɗaya na imani ko ayyuka, kamar mazhabar falsafa ko makarantar likitanci. da suke yin iyo tare a hanyar da ba ta dace ba. Don horar da wani ko horo, musamman don sanya shi ya dace da wani tsari na ƙa'idodi ko ƙa'idodi, kamar a cikin " makaranta yaro a cikin halin da ya dace."

Sentence Examples

  1. The result was a cheap repair of the antiquated structure and an institutional, utilitarian-looking addition reminding everyone of a grammar school cafeteria gone wrong.
  2. After a lawsuit Coach Oliver had been in the middle of, the chief of staff issued an internal memo notifying everyone if they initiated a relationship with a colleague who met a few of the criteria in the revised policy, there was an obligation to ensure it was formally acknowledged by the school to protect everyone involved.
  3. I was shocked at how much school spirit the woman had.
  4. He begged her to keep the relationship just between the two of them because it was against school policy for colleagues to date without informing the college.
  5. I needed an update on my baby girl, and hearing about her day at school would help me feel better.
  6. It had been a decade since I felt that electrifying school spirit.
  7. There have also been significant changes in the national security requirements around colleges and universities given all the school shootings.
  8. Eustacia Paddington had gone to high school with my nana.
  9. Then I speculated she currently attended the college or previously went to school with one of my siblings.
  10. I live in New York City, grew up on Long Island, and graduated from Moravian College, an historic but small liberal arts school in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, with a degree in English literature and minors in Education, Business and Spanish.