English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "scenario" rubutacciyar zayyana ce ko tsarawa da ke bayyana jerin abubuwan da suka faru ko ayyuka waɗanda suka haɗa wani yanayi, yawanci ana amfani da su a cikin mahallin yanayi ko hasashe. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa bayanin yiwuwar aiwatar da aiki ko saitin yanayi, galibi ana amfani da shi don manufar tsarawa, bincike, ko yanke shawara. Bugu da ƙari, "scenario" na iya komawa zuwa takamaiman yanayi ko yanayi waɗanda aka yi amfani da su azaman tushen wasan kwaikwayo, fim, ko wani wasan kwaikwayo.

Sentence Examples

  1. I knew they had safe houses for these kinds of situations and the other Alliance branches worldwide and maybe even offworld would be preparing themselves for the worst-case scenario.
  2. As we talked, a scenario emerged that could be agreeable and beneficial to all sides.
  3. If we replay this scenario again and again it will become as real as any memory.
  4. I ran through every possible scenario, torturing myself as I tried to think of a way I could have saved them.
  5. Thinking about the alternative scenario consistently brought me to tears.
  6. I stayed the night in a cheap motel in Rogers, amazed at the irony of me escaping the very scenario only to return and do it anyway.
  7. It seemed he finally understood the danger of this scenario.
  8. In one scenario, a captive would be brought into a room offering no more than the cold comfort of a wooden stool, whereupon they were instructed to sit and wait until further notice.
  9. After re-examining the scenario for another opening, Rune sent Astrid across the peninsula.
  10. From that point on though, the fact that Panopoulos, who was possibly feeling suffocated in the stifling environment of YPEXODE saw in liter-ature the opportunity that his narcissistic character was searching for to escape the misery of the poor little pen pusher, to prove his worth to all of Greece, as well as supplementing his livelihood, was an at-tractive scenario.