English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "scaling" ya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi. Ga wasu ma’anoni masu yiwuwa:Hawa ko hawan sama, musamman ta hanyar amfani da hannaye da ƙafafu don yin sama da ƙasa mai tudu. Misali: Masu tafiya sun shafe sa'o'i da yawa suna zazzage dutsen kololuwa. Misali: Injiniyan ya kwashe makonni yana tantance tsarin don tabbatar da cewa kowane daki-daki ya kasance daidai. . Misali: Malamin ya daidaita ma'aunin ma'auni don tabbatar da cewa kowane ɗalibi ya sami sakamako mai kyau. Misali: Mai dafa abinci a tsanake ya sike kifi kafin ya dafa shi. Misali: Mai tsara tambarin ya daidaita tambarin don dacewa da taken gidan yanar gizon ba tare da karkatar da girmansa ba.

Sentence Examples

  1. He climbed the rope like an excited little monkey, scaling the entire side of the boat in seconds.
  2. She loved climbing and snuck away to do it whenever she could, so although scaling the enclave wall was a challenge, it was not an insurmountable one.
  3. This combination of jet-black horizontal triangles and vertical bwilak scaling the shoulders from front to back proved striking.
  4. I became weary of ranging fields and scaling walls, and seriously alarmed at the idea suggested by you, that if caught hovering about here your father would very likely have me sent to prison as a thief.
  5. As the enemy drew near, those in between the large ladders brought out ropes and grappling hooks to begin scaling the wall.
  6. The men set to scaling and gutting the fish, then seasoned them and threw them on the hot pans.
  7. Clinging effortlessly to the side of the slippery rock, with the same dexterity Spiderman uses when scaling skyscrapers, his expression was one of sheer amusement.
  8. Scaling the wall had worked before and I saw no reason for a change.
  9. Her short legs made it look like she was scaling down a monster truck.