English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "scabbard" ita ce kube ko murfin kariya don takobi, wuka, ko wani makami mai wuƙa. Yawanci ana yin ta ne da fata, ko ƙarfe, ko wani abu mai ɗorewa kuma ana amfani da shi don kare ruwan makamin daga lalacewa da kuma kiyaye shi lokacin da ba a yi amfani da shi ba.

Sentence Examples

  1. Over the gown, girdling or crossing his figure, he had a broad baldric which was also black, and from which hung a huge scimitar with a black scabbard and furniture.
  2. Hawke, in turn, took the buckles off the wrap and pulled off the cloth, revealing a plain black scabbard with a long straight handle at the end.
  3. Hawke was standing some ten feet away, his own tarnished sword already drawn from its scabbard and hanging loosely from one hand.
  4. He threw it horizontally over the short distance between the horses and Jack intercepted the scabbard.
  5. Drawing his sword, the sound of steel rasping from the scabbard, gained the attention of the rest.
  6. On my left side hung the curved steel the Four Sisters had referred to as Helvingshar, sheathed and hidden in its plain wooden and leather scabbard.
  7. Edmund moved his hand to draw the steel from the scabbard and the men around him dropped back immediately, their backs against the stone walls.
  8. Satisfied, he returned the blade to the small scabbard around his waist and held out the coat to the little boy.
  9. At his side, Lance wore a bright green tunic and gripped his sword in its scabbard as though daring anyone to take it away.
  10. His sword was leant against the bare stone of the wall, ready, and he ripped the scabbard from the blade, discarding it.