English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "sapling" itace matashiyar bishiya, yawanci wadda ke da gangar jikin siriri da ƙananan rassa. Kalma ce da ake amfani da ita wajen siffanta bishiyar da take cikin farkon girma da girma, sau da yawa tsakanin shekara ɗaya zuwa uku. Sapling ya fi tsayi fiye da seedling amma har yanzu bai girma ba don samar da adadi mai yawa na ganye ko 'ya'yan itace. Ana kuma amfani da ita wajen yin nuni ga matashin da har yanzu ke tasowa ko balaga.

Sentence Examples

  1. Jahallah reached out, grabbing a small sapling to stop further movement.
  2. He was then bound and fastened to the body of the sapling, on whose branches Magua had acted the pantomime of the falling Huron.
  3. Within minutes, a healthy young sapling was growing in the ground.
  4. In his hands, the stick had become a flourishing young sapling.
  5. They spoke together earnestly in the Delaware language, though in an undertone and by the gestures of the white man, which were frequently directed towards the top of the sapling, it was evident he pointed out the situation of their hidden enemy.
  6. That might be in the bough of a great oak, at the top of a spindly sapling, or at a point only feet from where he was presently.
  7. He not only mentioned the fate of him who, hanging between heaven and earth, had presented such a spectacle of horror to the whole band, but he acted anew the terrors of his situation, his resolution and his death, on the branches of a sapling and, finally, he rapidly recounted the manner in which each of their friends had fallen, never failing to touch upon their courage, and their most acknowledged virtues.
  8. Use the same power you used to grow the sapling from the staff.
  9. As it cleared the roof of the forest, the column bent before the force of the wind just as a slender sapling would.
  10. Four steps until the rifle was ripped off my shoulder by a sapling.