English to hausa meaning of

A cewar ƙamus na Ingilishi na Oxford, “yashi” an fassara shi da:Wani abu mara nauyi, yawanci kodadde launin ruwan kasa, sakamakon yazawar siliceous da sauran duwatsu. wanda ya zama babban yanki na rairayin bakin teku, bakin kogi, da hamada. figurative) Tushe ko tushe ga wani abu.


  1. guts
  2. backbone
  3. moxie
  4. gumption
  5. grit

Sentence Examples

  1. As I turned, clouds moved over the sun and dappled shadows raced across the sand.
  2. He then used Earth element, making sand rise up and hold an Onlekk in place.
  3. In the foreground, on a small beach of black sand, is a congregation of what appear to be tall stakes, arranged in some sort of formation.
  4. Facing the cliff and sheltered somewhat by the reef is a small beach of black sand.
  5. The beach is empty save for a sand sculptor, dressed only in shorts, at work emulating the eruption of two volcanoes.
  6. There was a small islet of golden sand beneath my feet, a safe haven between the forbidding, storm-swept sea and jagged black rocks.
  7. Grains of sand seemed to scrape over her eyes, and she winced as she passed her hand over them before forcing them open again.
  8. More shocking still, the beach appeared to have emerald green sand and the sea itself was violet.
  9. At the end of the garden the promenade curves round Playa Reducto, a small beach of golden sand where the waters are shallow and calm.
  10. Evan had looked in one mirror to find his reflection standing on a green sand dune amidst an orange sea.