English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “Samariya” ita ce:(suna) mutumin da yake taimakon wasu, musamman ma baƙi, waɗanda suke cikin kunci ko buƙatar taimako, sau da yawa ba tare da tsammanin lada ko saninsa ba; wani mai tausayi da karimci ga wasu.Kalmar ta fito ne daga labarin Basamariye nagari a cikin Littafi Mai Tsarki, inda wani matafiyi na Samariya ya taimaka wa wani mutum da aka yi wa dukan tsiya kuma aka bar shi ya mutu, duk da haka. cewa mutumin bako ne kuma sun fito ne daga al'adu daban-daban. Wannan labari ya zama alama ce ta alheri da tausayi ga wasu.

Sentence Examples

  1. Like a true Samaritan she asked no questions, but gave me a bowl of milk with a dash of whisky in it, and let me sit for a little by her kitchen fire.
  2. Left to die, a priest, and then a high-status Levite, passed him by and did not help, Finally a Samaritan, of despicable ethnicity and heretical faith to the Hebrews of the time, was the only one to render assistance.
  3. She was a good Samaritan from some alternate reality where people hugged at charities before delivering aluminum pans of food to sick neighbors.
  4. She could probably leave it open on the table with twenties hanging out of it and some Golden Grove good Samaritan would come along and hide it for her.
  5. The irony of possibly mugging a Good Samaritan did not escape her, nor did it make her feel any better.