English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "sallama" alama ce ko aiki don nuna girmamawa ko girmamawa, yawanci ta hanyar ɗaga hannun mutum zuwa goshi ko taɓa shi zuwa gaɓoɓin hula ko wasu kayan kwalliya. Hakanan za ta iya komawa ga gaisuwa ko amincewa da aka yi wa wani, musamman soja ko jami'in gwamnati. Ƙari ga haka, “salama” na iya nufin ɗaukaka ko girmama wani ko wani abu, ko nuna sha’awa ko godiya.

Sentence Examples

  1. Franz returned the salute by shaking his handkerchief as an exchange of signals.
  2. Cinder gave Flint a salute as he prepared to enter the contaminated lab.
  3. The rest of the Mad Riders had slowly trickled in to see us off, and Jo stood before them all, giving me a small salute.
  4. Jimmy the mayor gave a final salute to Dean and slit his throat, ear to ear.
  5. Beside Flynn, the friendly guy did a kind of casual salute.
  6. One of the brickmakers nodded his head in mock salute to Fitzgilbert.
  7. The blond twins waved a return salute before their birds lunged forward and began racing toward us.
  8. Arthur smiled at Mark, who beamed brightly and held up his sword in a salute.
  9. Vili raised a drinking horn in salute, before downing the whole thing in one swig, earning him raucous laughter and cheers from those about him.
  10. What I know is, that, like a fool, a greater fool than he of whom I spoke just now, I mistook for this peasant girl a young bandit of fifteen or sixteen, with a beardless chin and slim waist, and who, just as I was about to imprint a chaste salute on his lips, placed a pistol to my head, and, aided by seven or eight others, led, or rather dragged me, to the Catacombs of St.