English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "lafiya" ita ce: ta hanyar da ba ta da lahani, haɗari, haɗari, ko rauni; amintacce; ba tare da cutar da kansa ko wasu ba. Lalaci ne da ake amfani da shi wajen bayyana ayyuka ko yanayin da ake aikatawa ko wanzuwa ta hanyar da ba ta haifar da barazana ga jin daɗin mutum ko lafiyar wani.

Sentence Examples

  1. Fogg had sixteen hours in which to attend to his business there, which was to deposit Aouda safely with her wealthy relative.
  2. Leaving the car safely parked with two wheels on the pavement, I cross Calle la Hoya and round the next corner, passing the small supermarket and entering the tree-lined plaza with its dense laurel leaf canopy.
  3. Even if he could safely cross Middle Earth, without being killed and destroy the ring under the nose of such great evil, there was no going back to the life he had in the Shire.
  4. Was someone looking for her, checking to make sure she was safely shut inside the manor?
  5. If Harry was smart during the run then he could get James, Sam and Meg to the town hall safely.
  6. The problem with magic was that it was damned impossible to use it safely even if you did know what you were doing.
  7. The Henrietta, when she could not rise upon the waves, crossed them, swamping her deck, but passing safely.
  8. The remaining spurs of wood that jutted from the sides were too narrow to use get an army across, there was no way safely to take horses over and the gap was too long to shore up with available materials.
  9. The alarm was quickly raised and all the animals were safely removed, but before the fire was put out it took with it a good section of the roof and the end wall collapsed.
  10. And in addition, I will need to be safely out of town before I let her go.

TV Series Examples



Jory, take her safely to her room.