English to hausa meaning of

Tufafin makoki suna ne da ke nufin wani ƙaƙƙarfan tufa mai ƙanƙara da aka yi da gashin akuya ko makamancinsa, kuma ana amfani da shi wajen yin buhu ko jakunkuna. A mahangar addini, ana iya komawa ga tufar da aka yi da irin wannan tufa, wadda a al’adance ake sawa a matsayin alamar baƙin ciki ko tuba.

Sentence Examples

  1. She made me seven shirts, and some other linen, of as fine cloth as could be got, which indeed was coarser than sackcloth and these she constantly washed for me with her own hands.
  2. The cousin arrived at last, leading an ass in foal, with a pack-saddle covered with a parti-coloured carpet or sackcloth Sancho saddled Rocinante, got Dapple ready, and stocked his alforjas, along with which went those of the cousin, likewise well filled and so, commending themselves to God and bidding farewell to all, they set out, taking the road for the famous cave of Montesinos.
  3. Thick coagulated fog and mist whipped and snaked over the dead bodies lying in the street and around the building, a sackcloth of ashlar.
  4. A brotherhood of penitents, clothed from head to foot in robes of gray sackcloth, with holes for the eyes, and holding in their hands lighted tapers, appeared first the chief marched at the head.