English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tsatsa" ita ce a rufe da tsatsa, wanda shine rufin ja-ja-jajal wanda ke samuwa a kan karfe saboda yanayin ƙarfe da oxygen a gaban ruwa ko danshi. Hakanan ana iya amfani da kalmar “tsatsa” a alamance don kwatanta wani abu da ya lalace ko kuma ya kasa yin tasiri a tsawon lokaci, kamar an rufe shi da tsatsa.

Sentence Examples

  1. The heaps of trash and tall piles of rusted cars glared down at me like giant shadows of ancient creatures.
  2. She saw a rusted windmill struggling to move in the breeze.
  3. The blade looked more like a rusted piece of thin iron curved into the vague shape a sword.
  4. The Seidkona pulled at a rusted bracket, bent and turned upside-down.
  5. Kayla pried open the rusted lid and discovered a few old-fashioned toys inside.
  6. We had just passed between the concrete pillars and under the rusted girders of a section of El track when the shooting pain in my brain returned.
  7. It was cool and damp and smelled like moist earth and rusted pipes.
  8. His were a bit harder than expected, as they appeared to have never been removed and the mechanisms were slightly rusted from disuse.
  9. Janis found him in the center of a three-story rusted chassis.
  10. The man knocked on the rusted, metal door behind him.