English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tushen" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi. Ga wasu ma’anoni kaɗan da za a iya samu:A cikin tsirrai, tushen shine ɓangaren tsiro wanda yawanci ke kwance ƙasa da saman ƙasa kuma yana sha ruwa da abubuwan gina jiki daga ƙasa. A cikin ilmin lissafi, tushen lamba ne wanda idan aka ninka shi da kansa adadin lokuta, yana daidai da ƙima. Misali, tushen murabba'in 9 shine 3, domin 3 da aka ninka da kansa yayi daidai da 9. A cikin ilimin harshe, tushen shine asalin asalin kalmar da ke ɗauke da ainihin ma'anarta kuma galibi ana iya gyara ta ta prefixes. ko kari don ƙirƙirar sabbin kalmomi. A cikin kwamfuta, tushen yana nufin mafi girman matakin samun dama ga tsarin kwamfuta ko hanyar sadarwa, galibi mai gudanarwa ko wani mai amfani mai gata ke riƙe. Kamar yadda yake. fi’ili, to tushen na iya nufin kafawa ko kafu, kamar yadda yake a cikin “Na yi tushen kaina a cikin wannan al’umma”. Hakanan yana iya nufin a bincika sosai, kamar a cikin "Ina rooting ta cikin kabad don takalmana da suka ɓace."

Sentence Examples

  1. Within moments, the rich aroma of sweet lavender, sage, and valerian root filled her tent.
  2. His breath reeked of a bitter, root brew known only to the Dvergar.
  3. But he could not take root in any of these with chagrin, he found his masters invariably whimsical and irregular, constantly running about the country, or on the look-out for adventure.
  4. He had his hands planted against the back of the hole and, as he was trying to readjust just a little in order to ensure that he was fully hidden, his hand grasped something that was lodged behind a root.
  5. After a few hours, the Zata finally stopped on a hill leagues away from Vrear, under a canopy of dry thorn root.
  6. The smell of sweet rolls and homemade root beer filled the air.
  7. She rested her elbows on the table, keeping the drink just below her nose where she could breathe in the valerian root.
  8. Onions hung from the ceiling in old stockings, and cases filled with sand would hold carrots and other root vegetables when they were ready for harvest.
  9. In the darkest corner, at the root of despair, a fire erupted to life.
  10. Blinking curiously, the worm studied the giant chained to the stones and then returned to his meal of Yggdrasill root.