English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "roil" ita ce sanya ruwa ya zama laka ko gajimare ta hanyar motsa laka ko wani abu a ƙasa; don tada hankali ko dagula wani ruwa ko abu; don sanya mutum ko yanayi ya rikice, ko fushi, ko tada hankali.


  1. rile

Sentence Examples

  1. It flailed and writhed, then began to melt into pooling shadows that lashed about it, drawing it into the dark beyond the Penumbra, a space Enodia called the Roil.
  2. Alex resisted for a brief second, then gave in to the all-consuming roil in her gut.
  3. She was more controlled, though her mind was a tumult, her emotions a wild roil.
  4. THE EXPRESSION UPON HIS FACE, the roil of pain and sympathy as Kratos beat him, it woke her.
  5. They perceive that which is beyond us, and sometimes, in hateful necropoleis out in the nebulous Roil, they gather and speak.
  6. The aroma from the food on the trencher in front of Calder caused his empty stomach to roil and growl, his embarrassment at it fueling his anger.
  7. A seething roil of images and emotions swirled round and round inside his head.
  8. to roil in a mystifying turmoil of emotions and colors.
  9. Slowly, her mind a roil, she descended the mountain.
  10. But it all ran together in a muddled roil, until she could not make one time from the next, nor even be sure if all she saw was conjured up by her fevered mind.