English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin suna, “rocker” na da ma’anoni da dama da suka hada da:Lankwasa itace ko karfe a kasan kujera ko shimfiɗar jariri, wanda zai ba shi damar jujjuyawa baya da baya. Mutumin da ke wasa ko kuma mai sha'awar waƙar rock. Wataƙi mai lanƙwasa, wanda ake amfani da ita don raba zinariya ko wasu ma'adanai masu mahimmanci daga yashi ko tsakuwa ta hanyar tayar da ruwa. li> Wani memba na wata ƙungiya ko al'adu da aka sani da tawaye ko halayyar zamantakewa, galibi ana danganta su da kwayoyi, barasa, da babura. li>Na'urar da ake amfani da ita wajen jijjiga jariri don yin barci.A matsayin kalmar aikatau, "to rocker" na nufin yin ja da baya, musamman a zaune ko jingina da wani abu. /p>

Sentence Examples

  1. Next to the cabinet, two ladder-back chairs and a rocker with a bright red cushion and matching footrest completed a ring around the circular rug that covered the center of the floor.
  2. Christie motioned to a rocker and took the farthest chair.
  3. He indicated the rocker beside the stove and perched in the brass-studded blue armchair opposite it.
  4. Instinctively, Finias reached for his own sword, thinking that his off-balance companion had fallen completely off his rocker.
  5. The rocker squeaked as Enthriel leaned away from the fire.
  6. Olivia sank into the rocker and stared at the wing back chairs, trying to imagine Mrs.
  7. The rocker creaked and Enthriel stood beside Coryss.
  8. The only human being they saw was an unshaven man sitting in a rocker on the front porch of the house that offered whiskey for sale.
  9. Rising slowly from the rocker, she moved to the built-in blanket chest under the window and carefully lifted the lid before moving to place Emmy in the niche.
  10. Anyone who hooked up with Derek was slightly off her rocker.