English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "kurkure" shine aikin wankewa ko tsaftace wani abu da ruwa ko wani ruwa don cire datti, sabulu, ko wasu abubuwa. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga yin saurin wuce ruwa ta cikin wani abu don cire duk wani abu ko datti. Bugu da ƙari, "kurkure" na iya nufin aikin jika wani abu a takaice da ruwa ko wani ruwa a matsayin hanyar tsaftacewa ko shirya shi don amfani.


  1. rinse

Sentence Examples

  1. I swished the top under the water, rinsing the soap out.
  2. After rinsing everything a last time, we walked back to the campsite and spread our clothes over low bushes in the sunlight.
  3. After rinsing the basket I plopped in a filter, then I located a mixing bowl in one of the cabinets.
  4. Rinsing her face and brushing strands of hair out of the way, she examined her reflection and decided the smudged and smeared makeup had to go.
  5. After rinsing my mouth out, I went back to thank Olive for the opportunity and say goodbye.
  6. Rinsing my face for the final time, I look up and finally recognize the person staring back at me.
  7. Somewhere along the way, from his first rough kiss to his gentle and methodical rinsing of my hair, I became completely comfortable being naked with this man.
  8. I awoke on the morning of my eighth day on that miserable case and was rinsing off a corpse all right, in spades.
  9. I shake my head and begin rinsing my hair while I wait for him to finish.