English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "rigged" ita ce: rashin gaskiya ko rashin adalci an tsara shi ko amfani da shi don fifita wani mutum ko sakamako. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani abu da aka haɗa ko aka gina shi ta wata hanya ta musamman don wata manufa ta musamman, kamar layukan kamun kifin da aka yi magudi ko zaɓe. A cikin duka biyun, kalmar tana nuna cewa an yi wa yanayi ko abin da aka lalata ta wata hanya don cimma sakamakon da ake so.

Sentence Examples

  1. Beneath the centre of the balloon, was a frame of light wood, about nine feet long, and rigged on to the balloon itself with a network in the customary manner.
  2. Her two masts leaned a trifle backward she carried brigantine, foresail, storm-jib, and standing-jib, and was well rigged for running before the wind and she seemed capable of brisk speed, which, indeed, she had already proved by gaining several prizes in pilot-boat races.
  3. Riding Great Wings rigged for war, armed and dressed for battle, with the face-guards of their helms lowered as if they were going into battle.
  4. The doors were rigged outside so no one could get out and there were two bodies inside.
  5. The General Grant was rigged with three masts, giving a large capacity for sails, and thus materially aiding the steam power.
  6. By the flickering bar light above the sink, I rigged a bag of ice for the back of my neck, squeezed out a cool cloth for my lips and nose, and grabbed up a new bottle of gin promising myself two long fingers.
  7. She scanned the heavy equipment parked beside the scaffolding rigged for repair work on the hulking structure.
  8. They put some of the meat they had cut into one of the frying pans and rigged up a spit for the rest.
  9. After a bit of messing about, Grímnir rigged a strap and buckle arrangement that supported the chainsaw satisfactorily.
  10. He could not have been more than two feet in height but this altitude, little as it was, would have been sufficient to destroy his equilibrium, and tilt him over the edge of his tiny car, but for the intervention of a circular rim reaching as high as the breast, and rigged on to the cords of the balloon.