English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "izgili" ita ce yin izgili ko ba'a ga wani ko wani abu ta hanyar wulakanci ko izgili. Ya ƙunshi yin amfani da kalmomi, motsin rai, ko ayyuka don nuna ma'anar ba'a, raini, ko rashin mutunta mutum ko abu. Yin izgili yana iya zama mai cutarwa da cin mutunci, kuma ana amfani da shi azaman hanyar wulakanta mutum ko wulakanta shi.


  1. derision

Sentence Examples

  1. The self-appointed delegation, probably to avoid the ridicule to which they would have been exposed, created this fabrication.
  2. But to others, this daily ritual was the subject of ridicule.
  3. Its covert ridicule of rulers, courts, statesmen, and political organizations was so severe and cut so ruthlessly and cruelly deep, that only its diabolical cleverness prevented its suppression and instead lent it an unprecedented popularity.
  4. Don Quixote, then, seeing that Sancho was turning him into ridicule, was so mortified and vexed that he lifted up his pike and smote him two such blows that if, instead of catching them on his shoulders, he had caught them on his head there would have been no wages to pay, unless indeed to his heirs.
  5. Men of wit, taste, and discrimination among the aristocracy gave it a hearty welcome, but the aristocracy in general were not likely to relish a book that turned their favourite reading into ridicule and laughed at so many of their favourite ideas.
  6. The words that I have addressed to her were borne away on the wind, my promises have been despised, my presents have been refused, such feigned tears as I shed have been turned into open ridicule.
  7. Ridicule was the only besom to sweep away that dust.
  8. It would be so if its moral were that, in this world, true enthusiasm naturally leads to ridicule and discomfiture.
  9. Were the paintings put there to expose the two men, or simply to ridicule them?
  10. No doubt it was received coldly by some, but if a man writes a book in ridicule of periwigs he must make his account with being coldly received by the periwig wearers and hated by the whole tribe of wigmakers.