English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "retort" suna ne da ke nufin amsa mai kaifi, gaggauce, ko mara hankali, ko akwati ko ɗakin da ake narke abubuwa a cikinsa ko bazuwar da zafi, sa'an nan kuma a tattara su don samar da wani abu mai tsafta. A matsayin fi'ili, "retort" yana nufin faɗi wani abu don amsa magana ko zargi, yawanci a cikin kaifi, fushi, ko dabara. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin mayar da martani ga yanayi ko suka tare da amsa mai sauri ko kaifi.

Sentence Examples

  1. Before he could make a retort Marc had neatly kicked him in the back of the knee, and Martin collapsed into the mud.
  2. While she struggled for some witty retort, he had already begun to row away.
  3. Winnie starts to retort but Bud turns and begins talking about the Civil War markings a few yards away, claiming that these scribblings left by retreating Confederates never fail to attract history buffs and re-enactors.
  4. The retort almost leapt from her mouth, but she managed to still it, barely.
  5. As he mouths a retort, a door opens and hurried footsteps approach.
  6. Ilse could find no retort, so she remained blessedly silent.
  7. I wanted to retort, but talking was a bit difficult for me at the time.
  8. My guardian opened his mouth to retort but remained silent as his eyes flicked towards me, narrowing just a bit.
  9. Ignoring him, Anders steeled back an angry retort then let out a blast of air.
  10. Sputtering, he was unable to generate a snappy retort and instead shook his head and tromped up the stairs.