English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “mayarwa” ita ce dawo da wani tsohon ko asali yanayi, yanayi, ko matsayi, musamman bayan lalacewa, ruɓe, ko lalacewa. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga mayar da wani abu ko wani ga mai shi ko wurin da ya gabata, ko sabunta ko farfado da wani abu da ya ɓace ko ya lalace. Gabaɗaya, maidowa yana nufin aikin gyarawa, sake ginawa, ko sabunta wani abu zuwa matsayinsa na baya ko dawo da shi zuwa ga martabarsa ta baya.


  1. rejuvenate
  2. regenerate

Sentence Examples

  1. When we had decided upon this the renegade told us not to be uneasy, for he would lose his life or restore us to liberty.
  2. As soon as Stormaway had unbound his hands, he brought them around to the front and began massaging his wrists to restore the circulation.
  3. I have no idea what transpired, and I beg Henry to please get me another martini and he heads to the bar while I try to restore my equilibrium.
  4. We remained six days in Velez, at the end of which the renegade, having informed himself of all that was requisite for him to do, set out for the city of Granada to restore himself to the sacred bosom of the Church through the medium of the Holy Inquisition.
  5. Maybe Azura would have a plan, some kind of breach of contract that could restore everything to its proper place.
  6. But fate would not rid me of it, contenting itself with robbing me of my reason, perhaps to preserve me for the good fortune I have had in meeting you for if that which you have just told us be true, as I believe it to be, it may be that Heaven has yet in store for both of us a happier termination to our misfortunes than we look for because seeing that Luscinda cannot marry Don Fernando, being mine, as she has herself so openly declared, and that Don Fernando cannot marry her as he is yours, we may reasonably hope that Heaven will restore to us what is ours, as it is still in existence and not yet alienated or destroyed.
  7. Still, enormous effort has been taken to restore the fort.
  8. Friendship, return to us, or force the cheat That wears it now, thy livery to restore, By aid whereof sincerity is slain.
  9. Have strong hope and trust in him, for as he has restored me to my original condition, so likewise he will restore you if you trust in him.
  10. After she helped restore control of the towers to those who would look after the best interests of its residents, Kayla had found herself irrevocably bonded to Alec, the new co-leader of the High Council.