English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "lalacewa" tana da ƙarfi na kyama ko ƙi ga wani abu ko wani. Yana nufin zurfafa da tsananin jin adawa ko tsayin daka ga wani abu, sau da yawa tare da amsa ta jiki ko ta rai kamar tashin zuciya ko tashin hankali. Ana iya amfani da shi don bayyana tsananin ƙiyayya ko ƙiyayya ga mutum, abu, ko yanayi. Misali, mutum na iya jin kyama ga ra'ayin cin abinci ko kuma wata akidar siyasa.


  1. mutual exclusiveness
  2. incompatibility
  3. inconsistency

Sentence Examples

  1. He must be gone within a few hours, though without feeling any real alarm for his aunt, to lessen his repugnance.
  2. The repugnance to animal food is not the effect of experience, but is an instinct.
  3. During all this time, the general, on whom they thought to have relied as on a brother, manifested evidently signs of discontent and repugnance.
  4. Then I saw the horror and repugnance of his face, and all of a sudden I let him go.
  5. His eyes, for a moment, met those of the Senorita Lolita, and he was glad to find that in hers there was no repugnance.
  6. There were eight thousand dollars to gain, without changing his route for which it was well worth conquering the repugnance he had for all kinds of passengers.
  7. I must, however, do him the justice to add that he assured me if ever he had regretted the repugnance he felt to such a step it was on this occasion, because he thought the projected union would be a happy and suitable one.