English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “natsuwa” ita ce kasancewa cikin natsuwa, ba tare da tashin hankali ko damuwa ba, ba tare da jin kunyar jiki ko tunani ba. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani abu maras kyau ko mara tsauri a cikin dokokinsa ko ka'idojinsa.

Sentence Examples

  1. The lines disappeared completely as her face relaxed in relief.
  2. Arantay started, obviously confused, but then relaxed, laying an arm around her waist gently.
  3. In an awkward moment of silence, we glanced at one another, and I relaxed back into my seat.
  4. She flushed and hurt did flicker in her gaze, but then she relaxed her stance and turned back to the teapot.
  5. She seemed relaxed for someone who might have committed two murders.
  6. After two minutes Tarensen bid him stop and Evan relaxed, not knowing whether to feel ashamed or relieved.
  7. He never could resist her when she turned on the charm, and at the sight of that smile his shoulders relaxed.
  8. It was kinda hard to describe, but it was like she was both relaxed and hepped up.
  9. In the past few weeks, it had relaxed to the point that being called into her office no longer felt like my career was on the line.
  10. This relaxed and conversational side of his was enjoyable.