English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "rein" ya dogara da mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi. Anan ga wasu ma'anoni kaɗan masu yiwuwa: (noun) dogon madauri kunkuntar manne da ɗan doki kuma ana amfani da shi don sarrafa dabbar(fi'ili) don dubawa ko sarrafawa. wani abu, kamar ta hanyar amfani da reins (suna) ɗaya daga cikin dogayen madauri, kunkuntar madauri waɗanda ke manne da ɗan dokin tuƙi kuma ana amfani da su don jagora da sarrafa dokin. > (fi’ili) riƙe baya ko hana wani abu, kamar ta hanyar amfani da reins(noun) hanya ce ta sarrafawa ko jagorancin wani abu, kamar kamfani ko ƙungiya(fi’ili) don horarwa ko horon wani ko wani abu ta wata hanya ta musamman.            yayi ajiyar zuciya kafin yace wani abu zaiyi nadama. zuwa tsarin kamfanin.

Sentence Examples

  1. Turn the rein, or the halter, of thy Dapple, and begone home for one single step further thou shalt not make in my company.
  2. Bringing his mare to a stop and holding her on a short rein he cast his eyes around for more, but it seemed there were just the two in front.
  3. Danton sat beside him patiently, eating his breakfast and allowing the expert free rein with his ideas.
  4. The criminal elements enjoyed freer rein than they would have under the aristocracy.
  5. Before she could rein it in, her power pulled Erika back.
  6. The duchess came out splendidly attired, and Don Quixote, in pure courtesy and politeness, held the rein of her palfrey, though the duke wanted not to allow him and at last they reached a wood that lay between two high mountains, where, after occupying various posts, ambushes, and paths, and distributing the party in different positions, the hunt began with great noise, shouting, and hallooing, so that, between the baying of the hounds and the blowing of the horns, they could not hear one another.
  7. I suppose it is that sickness and weakness are selfish things and turn our inner eyes and sympathy on ourselves, whilst health and strength give Love rein, and in thought and feeling he can wander where he wills.
  8. She remains oblivious to my quietude, or is accepting of it, enjoying the free rein she has.
  9. Cam gave the horse free rein and before much time, the trail led them onto the beach.
  10. She inhaled deeply, stretched her legs out and used her feet to rein in the parcel.

TV Series Examples



Rein in your tongue.