English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin samfurin harshe, zan iya samar muku da ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "rage". Anan akwai ƴan ma'anoni daga ƙamus daban-daban masu daraja:Merriam-Webster Dictionary: don ƙarami ko raguwa cikin girma , adadin , ko lambadon kawo ƙaramin matsayi, digiri, ko yanayidon rage ƙarfi, yawa, ko gwargwado start="2" Oxford English Dictionary:don yin karami ko žasa a adadi, digiri, ko girmadon sauƙaƙa ko yin ƙarin asali > > Cambridge English Dictionary:don yin wani abu karami ko ƙasa da girma, adadi, ko yawa >don rage adadin, matakin, ko ƙarfin wani abu li>don sanya wani abu ƙarami ko ƙasa da adadi, girma, ko yawadon rage girman, girma, ko ƙarfiGaba ɗaya, kalmar "rage" yana nufin yin wani abu ƙarami, ƙasa da adadi, digiri, ko girma, ko kawo wani abu zuwa ƙaramin matsayi ko yanayi. Hakanan yana iya nufin sauƙaƙawa ko yin wani abu mafi mahimmanci. Ƙayyadadden ma'anar na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da kalmar.


  1. concentrate
  2. boil down

Sentence Examples

  1. Ainsworth, with the seamen, was surprised at their apparent want of altitude when viewed from the car, the tendency of great elevation in a balloon being to reduce inequalities of the surface below, to nearly a dead level.
  2. I happened to wear my gloves, which the master gray observing, seemed perplexed, discovering signs of wonder what I had done to my forefeet he put his hoof three or four times to them, as if he would signify that I should reduce them to their former shape, which I presently did, pulling off both my gloves, and putting them into my pocket.
  3. Of a truth I know not Lothario alone was such a one, for with the utmost care and vigilance he watched over the honour of his friend, and strove to diminish, cut down, and reduce the number of days for going to his house according to their agreement, lest the visits of a young man, wealthy, high-born, and with the attractions he was conscious of possessing, at the house of a woman so beautiful as Camilla, should be regarded with suspicion by the inquisitive and malicious eyes of the idle public.
  4. He wanted to get the small farmers to organize into associations or cooperatives with centralized milk collection centers to reduce costs and allow the producers to economically collect their milk.
  5. They had to reduce speed, but the path was in better shape than Loren had imagined.
  6. This was attractive to the wholesalers because it allowed them to reduce their costs for finding high-quality bananas.
  7. The parliament was debating whether they could do anything to remedy this situation and reduce the rate of AIDS.
  8. He was willing to discuss simple distribution of any products we had to offer because he had a fleet of trucks for distribution and carrying more products could reduce his costs per unit.
  9. The men still standing expectantly around the wheel saw the water slow and then reduce to a trickle.
  10. The foolhardiness or ignorance of her officers was a prolific theme for comment whilst she remained in sight, and efforts were made to signal her to reduce sail in face of her danger.