English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mai ninka" ita ce sanya wani abu mafi girma ko mafi tsanani, yawanci ta hanyar maimaitawa ko ƙarfafa shi. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa ninka wani abu kuma ko sanya shi sau biyu.

Sentence Examples

  1. Grímnir took a step towards it, and it redoubled its efforts.
  2. They redoubled their efforts to channel their combined life force into the prince.
  3. In the ensuing silence, Eyric noticed the survivors in the smaller boats had redoubled their rowing efforts.
  4. He suddenly redoubled his efforts, and then as suddenly grew calm.
  5. I called my waiting-maid to me, that there might be a witness on earth besides those in Heaven, and again Don Fernando renewed and repeated his oaths, invoked as witnesses fresh saints in addition to the former ones, called down upon himself a thousand curses hereafter should he fail to keep his promise, shed more tears, redoubled his sighs and pressed me closer in his arms, from which he had never allowed me to escape and so I was left by my maid, and ceased to be one, and he became a traitor and a perjured man.
  6. Strangely enough those pursued did not seem to realise, or at least to care, that they were pursued they seemed, however, to hasten with redoubled speed as the sun dropped lower and lower on the mountain tops.
  7. They redoubled their efforts to gain on him but always the figure with the black flowing hair remained the same distance ahead of them.
  8. The disciples of the prophet had since redoubled their efforts, and resisted, by words at least, the authority of Congress.
  9. For the last ten months my ministers have redoubled their vigilance, in order to watch the shore of the Mediterranean.
  10. The sounds of shouting redoubled as spectators and workmen scrabbled away from the falling masonry.