English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "gyara" ita ce gyara ko gyara wani abu mara kyau, mara kyau, ko kuskure. Hakanan yana iya nufin sanya wani abu cikin tsari, ko daidaitawa ko tace wani abu don inganta daidaitonsa, daidaitonsa, ko ingancinsa. Gabaɗaya, kalmar "gyara" tana nufin ɗaukar mataki don gyara matsala ko magance matsala ta hanya mai ma'ana kuma mai kyau.

Sentence Examples

  1. I should like to go farther, and give reasons to show that it is advisable to choose those who are to hold so necessary an office in the state, but this is not the fit place for it some day I will expound the matter to someone able to see to and rectify it all I say now is, that the additional fact of his being a sorcerer has removed the sorrow it gave me to see these white hairs and this venerable countenance in so painful a position on account of his being a pimp though I know well there are no sorceries in the world that can move or compel the will as some simple folk fancy, for our will is free, nor is there herb or charm that can force it.
  2. The thought that he was dancing with the wrong woman, and how to rectify it, had just begun to form when Eden helped him out.
  3. However, Mr Bulloch, who I know intimately, has been working hard to rectify the deficiency.
  4. But some Calderan lords had recently made token measures to rectify that, including providing land to the Garzhak goblins.
  5. She would have to rectify that situation once they were married.
  6. And it falls upon my shoulders to rectify this Great Schism and bring back the Laws of Order and Tranquility from the Rules of Chaos and Darkness.