English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "farfadowa" ita ce kamar haka: Ayyuka ko tsari na maidowa ko maido da wani abu da ya ɓace, ya lalace, ko ɗauka. The regaining of one's health, strength, or normal functioning after an sick, rauni, or setback.Komawa zuwa al'ada ko ingantacciyar yanayi ko yanayi bayan wani lokaci na wahala, wahala, ko rikici. Aiki ko tsari na maidowa ko ceto wani abu da aka rasa ko a cikin hatsari ko gazawa. /li> Ayyukan maidowa ko maido da bayanai ko fayilolin da suka ɓace, lalace, ko gurɓata.Da fatan za a lura cewa takamaiman ma'anoni da ma'anoni na kalmar "farfadowa" na iya yiwuwa. bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi.

Sentence Examples

  1. His laugh snaps me out of my trance and I go into disaster recovery mode.
  2. In the recovery room is the highly skilled unit of female bodyguards that I have assigned to be her shadow.
  3. We had always assumed that the essence and the powers it bestowed were tied to fire, yet my impossible recovery made it clear that there was a lot more than we initially thought.
  4. They have no idea that her Essence is responsible for my quick recovery.
  5. Unfortunately, Driving Rain was heavier and better balanced and after a couple of recovery steps, the heavy woodman swung his whole shoulder into Waterstone just as Mudslide recovered and shoved him hard from behind.
  6. I knew I had to do something to help my hometown, so I quit my newspaper job and became a volunteer coordinator for a Unitarian Universalist recovery program and started freelance writing on the side.
  7. Tarkyn went almost instantly to sleep, but from that point onward, made a more rapid recovery.
  8. Stunned by the shock of the water, I found myself, upon recovery, jammed in between the stern-post and rudder.
  9. He had been ill so often during his life that he had come to expect recovery.
  10. You orchestrated my whole recovery and now I would like to return some energy to you.