English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "karatun" shine wasan kwaikwayo na kiɗa ko raye-raye, ko karatun waƙa ko wasu adabi, wanda mutum ɗaya ko ƙungiyar jama'a ke bayarwa a gaban masu sauraro. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga cikakken bayani ko labarin abubuwan da suka faru ko gaskiya.

Sentence Examples

  1. All this was achieved in much less time than is occupied in the recital.
  2. His recital finished, the abbé reflected long and earnestly.
  3. When this recital of events was ended, his voice once more changed, and became plaintive and even musical, in its low guttural sounds.
  4. But Valentine was so weak that this recital scarcely produced the same effect it would have done had she been in her usual state of health.
  5. All these wonders and magical effects which the chronicler has heaped up, or rather embalmed, in his recital, at the risk of rivaling the brain-born scenes of romancers these splendors whereby night seemed vanquished and nature corrected, together with every delight and luxury combined for the satisfaction of all the senses, as well as the imagination, Fouquet did in real truth offer to his sovereign in that enchanting retreat of which no monarch could at that time boast of possessing an equal.
  6. But to shorten the long recital of my woes, I will pass over in silence all the artifices employed by Don Fernando for declaring his passion for me.
  7. Eventually, some new friends invited us to the club to hear a recital by a pianist touring from the United States.
  8. And the thing was so much the more annoying, as, according to the characteristic modesty of a Frenchman, Albert had quitted Paris with the full conviction that he had only to show himself in Italy to carry all before him, and that upon his return he should astonish the Parisian world with the recital of his numerous love-affairs.
  9. After the recital, Mary escaped with the ladies to the sewing room while I remained with the men in the study.
  10. There were also a number of Africans attending the recital.