English to hausa meaning of

Bisa ga daidaitattun ma'anar ƙamus na Turanci, kalmar "kwanan nan" karin magana ce da ke nufin lokacin da bai daɗe ba ko kuma a kusa. Hakanan ana iya amfani da shi don bayyana wani abu ko al'amari da ya faru ko ya faru a baya-bayan nan, ko wani yanayi ko yanayi da ya canza ko ya faru kwanan nan. Gabaɗaya, ana amfani da "kwanan nan" don isar da ma'anar wani abu da ke faruwa ko kuma ya dace da wannan lokacin, amma ba lallai ba ne a nan take ko kuma na yanzu.


  1. late
  2. lately
  3. of late
  4. latterly

Sentence Examples

  1. I heard the valley referred to recently as the bohemian north, in reference to the artists and market traders and alternative types living up on this little plateau, drawn by the seclusion, and the softer, greener, though no less dramatic views.
  2. I have little to go on at this point, but everything is too organized, too well-run and well-concealed to have sprung up recently.
  3. The trouble started a few years after her arrival, when he was in his early twenties and had just graduated in fine art, and with both parents recently deceased.
  4. A few scattered papers cluttered the desk, the garbage pail had recently been emptied, and what looked like a grade book sat on the corner table near a reading lamp.
  5. Jessica ushered me into a grand foyer and lead me into an impressive, recently remodeled kitchen.
  6. The undamaged crash barriers indicate no one has recently tumbled to their death.
  7. Most recently Josh had been forced to buy a new set of pans for the kitchen and make sure no other iron was around.
  8. A messenger from her father, she thought, but then, no, it was only recently that they had received a letter from that quarter.
  9. Based on what Lorraine had told me on the walk over, my father recently commandeered the third floor during the renovations on his office.
  10. We get new recruits all the time, more than ever recently.