English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tabbatarwa" yana sa wani ya rage damuwa ko tsoro game da wani abu ta hanyar maido da kwarin gwiwa ko jin tsaro. Siffa ce da ke bayyana wani abu da ke ba da ta'aziyya, tallafi, ko jin daɗi ga wanda ke cikin damuwa ko rashin tabbas. Misali, murya mai sanyaya rai, murmushi mai sanyaya rai, ko sako mai gamsarwa na iya taimakawa wajen rage damuwar wani da samar musu da nutsuwa da kwanciyar hankali.

Sentence Examples

  1. As though sensing her panic, Alec gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.
  2. Soldiers surrounded the tanks, there was a commandeering chief giving orders, and a man with a radio on top of one tank, his broadcast short and repetitive, his shallow nod not reassuring the other soldiers.
  3. Carl offered him a reassuring nod before directing the rest of his men back to camp.
  4. A couple reassuring pats and I was certain it was as safe as houses.
  5. Carl offered her a reassuring smile before turning away to join the rest of his men in trying to access the security system.
  6. Likely seeing the disappointment in my eyes, he gave me a reassuring grin.
  7. Their presence should have been reassuring, but Liz found them totally menacing.
  8. It was somewhat reassuring to know it was just a regular building.
  9. Billie and her brood were in the row in front of us, and from the row behind, Cleva patted me on the back with that reassuring way of hers.
  10. If she was going for reassuring, she was failing miserably.