English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "rearing" shine aikin reno ko renon wani ko wani abu, sau da yawa tare da burin haɓaka shi har ya balaga. Yana iya nufin tsarin kiwo da kula da yara, dabbobi, ko amfanin gona, da kuma tsarin girma ko bunƙasa kasuwanci, ƙungiya, ko aiki. “Rearing” kuma yana iya nufin tsayawa kan kafafun baya, kamar yadda doki ko wata dabba za ta iya yi, ko kuma a ɗaga wani abu zuwa madaidaiciya.


  1. raising
  2. nurture

Sentence Examples

  1. The mimic animal, which had advanced a little, retired slowly in his front, until it arrived again at the pass, when, rearing on his hinder legs, it beat the air with its paws, in the manner practised by its brutal prototype.
  2. I take nothing away from his rearing of such a wonderful woman, but if you are to have your own life you must live unrestrained by the perceptions of childhood.
  3. Lance could feel himself sweating again, concern over dehydration rearing in his mind.
  4. Looking up, Cam could see that there were other, similar balconies rearing out over the abyss above him.
  5. Stretching in the light, the dark creature rose to its full height, rearing fifteen feet above them.
  6. The walls were coarse grey limestone, more suited to the rearing balustrades of a castle than an entrance hall.
  7. I knew those thoughts were just the sickness rearing its head again.
  8. The one on top was a sketch of a rearing horse, no rider.
  9. Melcorka saw the carved wooden head of a dragon rearing above her coracle a tall mast rising and the gleam of torch-light on a row of circular shields.
  10. Rearing up for the battle, Rune raised his voice to match the sea.